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Acclimatisation & Set up guide

For Beginners in Shrimp Keeping
If you're new to shrimp keeping and want to succeed, it’s essential to start with the basics. Our friends at Shrimp Sanctuary, with their years of experience, recommend following, their tried and tested practices. By learning from their journey, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to create a thriving environment for your shrimps.

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Shrimp Care


The Importance of a Nitrogen-Cycled Tank

For shrimps to thrive and have a higher survival rate, it's essential to establish a nitrogen-cycled tank that is active, well-balanced, and stable. Proper tank cycling allows beneficial bacteria to break down harmful substances, creating a healthy environment for your shrimps.

Key Points for Cycling Your Tank:

  1. Cycle Duration:

    • Allow your tank to cycle for 2-3 months before introducing shrimps. This period ensures the nitrogen cycle is fully established and capable of managing ammonia and nitrite levels.

  2. Create a Grazing Environment:

    • During the cycling process, encourage the growth of algae on the tank walls. These "green walls" serve as a natural food source for shrimps, promoting their health and activity.

  3. Test Water Parameters Regularly:

    • Monitor ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to ensure the tank is fully cycled. Ideal parameters for shrimps are:

      • Ammonia: 0 ppm

      • Nitrite: 0 ppm

      • Nitrate: Under 20 ppm

  4. Add Live Plants and Substrate:

    • Incorporate live plants and a shrimp-friendly substrate to help stabilize the tank and provide hiding spots for shrimps. Plants also contribute to maintaining water quality.

Algea green wall


Drip Acclimation for New Shrimps
When you receive shrimps from the supplier, it’s crucial to acclimate them to their new environment using the drip acclimation method. This process ensures a smooth transition and reduces the risk of shocking the shrimps.

Steps to Drip Acclimatise

  1. Prepare the Setup:

    • Use aquarium airline tubing to connect your tank to a container holding the water the shrimps were transported in.

    • Ensure the container is clean and safe for aquatic use.

  2. Start the Drip Process:

    • Tie a loose knot in one end of the airline tubing to regulate the flow of water.

    • Begin a slow drip of tank water into the container. Adjust the knot to maintain a steady drip rate.

  3. Time the Acclimation:

    • Allow the drip process to continue for 30 minutes to an hour. This gradual blending of water helps the shrimps adjust to changes in temperature, pH, and water chemistry.

  4. Transfer the Shrimps:

    • After acclimation, gently net the shrimps and place them into your tank.

    • Avoid pouring the transport water into your aquarium to prevent introducing contaminants.


This slow and careful process ensures your shrimps adapt safely to their new home.



Recommended Water Parameters for Shrimp Keeping

To ensure the health and wellbeing of your shrimps, maintaining the following water parameters is strongly advised:

  • Temperature: 19–23°C (66–73°F)

  • TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): 100–150 (achieved using RO water remineralized appropriately)

  • pH: 5.5–6.5

  • GH (General Hardness): 4–6

  • KH: 0 – 1

  • Nitrate: 0-20ppm 


Expert Advice for Beginners:

While hobbyists may have their own preferences for parameters, these recommendations come directly from the Shrimp Factory UK and are backed by experienced, high-quality breeders and keepers in the shrimp community. Following these guidelines helps ensure a stable and thriving environment for your shrimps, particularly if you're new to the hobby.

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